Sunday, January 26, 2014


   I usually cook breakfast on Saturday and Sunday but, this week James worked on Saturday so Alex and I just had cheese toast the price is so minimal it wasn't even worth mentioning. This morning however, banana pancakes (mine with peanut butter on them!) Just using the Hungry Jack pancake mix that is made with water (no milk in the mix less $$.) Even if you made double the pancakes it would only cost $0.25 more!

1 cup of Hungry Jack (cost about $0.25)
3/4 cup of water
1 TBS Vanilla Extract
1 TBS sugar
1 thinly sliced banana ($0.42)

I like to add a little extra oomph to my pancakes so I add the vanilla and sugar but, it is not needed.

I also add some of my sliced banana to the pancake after I pour them (I make the ugliest pancakes but, they taste great!) You can see in this picture how my bananas get fried a little bit during cooking...I love it!!

1/2 pack of bacon (I paid $2.99 so $1.50)

Even if you calculate the drinks we had for breakfast (milk and OJ) it was less than $4.00 TOTAL for all three of us!

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