Saturday, January 25, 2014

$2.04 Balsamic Pork Chop Saturday Night for Three!!!

   I do not have my head so far up my butt as to think that you want (or need) me to post a picture of our dinner every night. Besides, I made balsamic pork chops, sauteed squash/zucchini and (leftover) alfredo noodles tonight and I ate mine before I even thought about taking a picture. So, I borrowed this one from the pork website which is where I also, kind of, got the recipe.

The squash and zucchini was bought on sale average $0.30 a piece-Alex doesn't like it much so I only make her eat a a few pieces of each I cooked 1 of each and spent $0.60!
The alfredo noodles were leftover and factored into last nights dinner so tonight they were FREE!!!

Recipe Details
      Balsamic Pork Chops Recipe:     

3-4 medium sized pork chops (@ $0.48 a piece)
Bottle of balsamic vinaigrette
*1/4 cup balsamic vinegar 
*1 Tbs soy sauce  

Place pork chops and vinaigrette in plastic bag in fridge a few hours before dinner.

Prepare large skillet pan with 2 tbs of vegetable oil on med/high heat.

Mix together balsamic vinegar and soy sauce (you can even add some of the vinaigrette or just use the vinaigrette if you need to.)

Sear pork chops on both sides and then add liquid.

Turn heat down to medium, cover and cook for about 15 minutes (or until done.)


1 comment:

  1. OH...I forgot to mention that the vinaigrette I had was leftover from a BOGO sale!!
